Revelation: Reborn
Revelation: Reborn: A Custom Client Mud Like no Other!
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Theme:select your class and join the crusade to protect kaldana
Content Rating:1
Launch Date:1998
Free to play
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What is Revelation?
It all begins with an idea. Take the best of MUDs and a beautiful user interface and make a game that is extremely user friendly and lots of fun to play!
The best part is the unique Alternate Advancement feature. Once you reach the maximum level - you just keep going! The fun starts at 100!
It all begins with an idea. Take the best of MUDs and a beautiful user interface and make a game that is extremely user friendly and lots of fun to play!
The best part is the unique Alternate Advancement feature. Once you reach the maximum level - you just keep going! The fun starts at 100!
Mobsters United
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