Renaissance Kingdoms

Renaissance Kingdoms: Return to the kingdoms


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About this game

Renaissance Kingdoms is a free, international, massively multiplayer online game. It's entirely playable in a web browser, with no need to download anything. This game mixes genres in a unique way: it's a role playing game, a strategy game and a political game, all at the same time.

You will be immersed in Europe, on the eve of the coming Renaissance. You will begin the game as a humble vagrant but through perseverance and skill, you will eventually be able to move up in the hierarchy and take a significant part in the political life of the Kingdoms.



User Reviews

Renaissancekingdoms is a political forum that masquerades as a roleplaying game. The developers, admins, and moderators enforce their RL political opinions on what qualifies as appropriate roleplaying. This isn't done directly, but indirectly. Anything which contradicts their RL political opinions is rationalized as a violation of one of their rules, and the adjudication of those rules is not transparent at all. Violators are given zero opportunity to defend themselves, and discussing violations itself is against the rules. This creates rampant corruption which has devastated the game's community, squashing it to a puny shadow of its former self 15 years ago. The remaining player base sucks up to the mods to punish anyone who doesn't go along with their RL politics either, and no in-game political discussion is had on the forum anymore. Everything is done offsite which leaves you wondering what the "roleplaying" of the game is. Save your time, don't waste it.

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